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The Digital Dressing Room

Woman Texting

Consumer Product

Our consumer product will consist of a app that you may download from your phone which will connect to any store you want to buy clothes from, which then if you wish you may try them on virtually- seeing what you look like in those close through your phone.

We will also have a camera option on the app where if you are in store you can scan the item and it will show you what it will look like on you and how it may fit. 

Examples of this may be when you cannot access a change room, you are doing online shopping and not in a store but want to try on clothes, as well as if you are currently dealing with physical or mental health issues and cannot go to in person stores to try on clothes.

Our Team.

Meet our team of Designers, Brand Strategists, and much more!

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Ignacio Ormeño


Nicolas Cruces

Media Specialist

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VR Mirror About Us

Have you ever found yourself standing in the line for a fitting room with multiple articles of clothing draped over your arm and you are starting to feel uncomfortable and impatient? Have you then received a fitting room, only to be bombarded with sales staff looking with you at your reflection in the mirror and making comments you do not wish to hear. 


The inconveniences and annoyances of shopping in person may deter individuals from shopping at all. This may lead them to not make purchases they wished to or even impulsively buy items online to avoid the painful shopping experience, only for it to not fit.


Imagine a world where you can try on an outfit instantly without having to step into a fitting room. Using virtual reality mirrors, you can do exactly that! Connecting your device to the mirror takes just a few seconds, and you will be trying on clothes and accessories in no time.

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