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The VR mirror’s ability to allow users to virtually try on clothing prior to purchasing, works to combat the immense global issue that is overconsumption of material goods. Mass production has led to mass consumption and in turn, has created excessive amounts of waste. VR Mirror works to fight against this issue by giving customers the ability to virtually try on clothing in order to form a good idea of whether or not an item will be of use to them. It aims to eliminate mindless or impulsive buying practices and allows for consumers to shop with intention. 

By being able to take part in shopping from home in a way that is far more elevated than basic online shopping, consumers will be able to eliminate the travel necessary to shop in person. This can help to decrease carbon emissions as well as fuel consumption.

Universal material waste is a pressing issue and heavily contributed to by the fashion industry. The following infographic displays the environmental impact of a single product purchased through the fast fashion industry. We would like it to serve as a reminder to think twice before impulsive purchases, as we assure the impact is not worth more clothing articles taking up space at the back of your closet.

Clothing Boutique

VR mirror aims to create a seamless shopping experience for all different abilities, sizes and preferences. The virtual try on options will permit users of any shape, size or body type to try on clothing best suited for them. This eliminates the disappointment of going into a store only to find out that your item of interest does not fit to your liking or that the size you are looking for is not in stock. The VR mirror is inclusive in its efforts to allow users of all abilities to be provided with an effortless shopping experience. For those with physical limitations, VR Mirror allows for an immersive shopping experience from the comfort of your own home. 



VR Mirror makes for a far more efficient shopping experience than you’ve ever had before. The ability to shop from home in a way that allows customers to feel like they are still in store trying items on is extremely time efficient, comfortable and productive. VR Mirror had a personal shopping quiz to help you streamline your shopping experience. 

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